Cory George, Website Designer, Murrieta California
Services include internet marketing, search engine optimization for websites and blogs. We offer our clients websites built on Word Press Theme framework. We also offer HTML 5 websites and can clean up any of the popular templates that are on the market, we know them all. We also include social networking and blogging services.
AYL is also a Google Engaged Agency offering AdWords services. With all the problems on the internet and the current Google Algorithm changes, many businesses have a need to use Google AdWords to help give them the exposure of a front page listing. The days are gone of getting on the front page of Google with just a good website. Google is now an advertising agency, utilizing the AdWords Campaign to help you get your leads. Cory will help you start and watch your ad campaign. If you would like a sample of this type of advertising. We offer a $100. Google AdWords Coupon to help you get started. Be sure to call and ask about it!
If you are in need of a new website or need re-design work of an old website, give us a call for a custom quote. Our fees are reasonable and we have great customer service. Cory George is the Head Website Designer at Advance Your Listing (AYL). Cory is easily accessible and will personally blog for your business blogs if you ask her for this service. AYL also provides many Business Directories which includes many categories.
References are available upon request.
Call Cory George for a custom quote.